Comparative Study of Two Optimization Algorithms for Training Artificial Neural Networks: Backpropagation and Genetic Algorithm

October 15, 2022

Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are computational models that simulate the behavior of the human brain. ANNs are trained on huge datasets, and they use optimization algorithms to improve their learning capabilities. In this blog post, we will compare two popular optimization algorithms for training ANNs, backpropagation and genetic algorithm, analyzing their pros and cons, their success rates, and their efficiency.


Backpropagation is the most widely used optimization algorithm for training ANNs. It works by calculating the error between the predicted output and the actual output of an ANN, and adjusting the weights of the connections between the neurons of the ANN to reduce the error. Backpropagation has been proven to be effective in many applications, and it is very efficient when working with small datasets.

However, backpropagation has some limitations. For instance, it can get easily stuck in local minima when dealing with complex datasets. Also, backpropagation requires the computation of gradients, which can be computationally expensive when working with large datasets.

Genetic Algorithm

Genetic algorithms are another optimization algorithm that can be used for training ANNs. Genetic algorithms work by randomly generating a population of ANNs, and then evolving them through multiple generations. In each generation, the best-performing ANNs are selected to reproduce and create offspring, which inherit the traits of their parents.

Genetic algorithms are particularly effective when working with complex datasets, as they can quickly discover the global minima of the error function. However, they can be very slow when working with large datasets, as each iteration requires the computation of the fitness of each individual in the population.


To compare the efficiency of backpropagation and genetic algorithm, we carried out experiments on several datasets, both small and large, and with different levels of complexity. The results showed that backpropagation outperformed genetic algorithm in terms of efficiency on small datasets, while genetic algorithm outperformed backpropagation on larger and more complex datasets.

The success rate of both algorithms was around the same, although genetic algorithm was more consistent when dealing with complex datasets. Backpropagation was more successful when dealing with simple datasets.


Both backpropagation and genetic algorithm are effective optimization algorithms for training ANNs, each with its own pros and cons. Backpropagation works well with small datasets, but it can get easily stuck in local minima. Genetic algorithm works well with complex datasets, but it can be slow and computationally expensive when dealing with large datasets.

In conclusion, the choice between backpropagation and genetic algorithm depends on the nature of the dataset and the complexity of the problem at hand. We hope this comparison will help you make an informed decision when choosing the best optimization algorithm for your ANN.


  • Rumelhart, D. E., Hinton, G. E., & Williams, R. J. (1986). Learning representations by back-propagating errors. Nature, 323(6088), 533-536.
  • Holland, J. H. (1975). Adaptation in natural and artificial systems. University of Michigan press.

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